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  • Amalgamates toy and game news worldwide - the global toy industry's #1 news summary!

    "Not only does the Bloom Report give you all the news you need to know... we give you all the news you didn't know you needed to know!" - Phil Bloom, Founder

    "I am a long-time reader and champion of the Bloom Report. The quantity of quality articles on so many different aspects of our industry is unmatched and I regularly share and discuss them with my management team as an important business tool." - Jim Engle, President & Founder, Little Kids Inc.

    "I don't know anyone in the industry that doesn't read the Bloom Report." - Ken Lewis, President, 4Kidz, Inc.
  • There are a few levels of membership, including free. POP is also the largest and most comprehensive directory of people and services in the toy industry.
  • Focus is on new toys and games, consumer events such as our Chicago Toy & Game Fair, meeting the people behind the products and the importance of play.
  • We spotlight social media influencers promoting play, opportunities from toy and game companies for influencers and content you can use to promote the importance of play in our everyday lives.

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The Chicago Toy & Game Group Inc. dba People of Play (POP) does not give, sell or otherwise transfer email addresses to other parties.